How Poker Teach Resilience

Poker is a game that puts an individual’s analytical, mathematical and interpersonal skills to the test. The game also indirectly teaches many life lessons and can help a person develop their resilience, something that is beneficial both at the poker table and in running their own business.

One of the main things that a player learns when playing poker is how to make decisions under uncertainty. A lot of decision-making in poker is done without the benefit of all the cards being revealed – you have to decide whether or not it’s worth playing your hand and how much to bet, for example. This is a great skill to have, and it’s the same in finance, business or any other area where you’re dealing with uncertainty.

Another important thing that poker can teach people is how to control their emotions, especially when things are going badly. This is because a bad session at the poker table can knock a person’s confidence and their bankroll, and this can be difficult to recover from. A good poker player can stay calm, however, and will usually fold if they have a weak hand, rather than throwing a tantrum and losing their money.

A good poker writer will take the time to review their own play and analyse what they’ve been doing wrong in each hand, as well as studying the play of other players. They should also try to get into the mind of their opponents and understand what tells they are giving away, for example by examining the way that they bluff or check.